Program for use joystick in pascal
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Category: Source in Pascal
Program: Joydemo.pas
File exe: Joydemo.exe
need: Joystick.pas
Program: Joydemo.pas
File exe: Joydemo.exe
need: Joystick.pas
The program shows all the posibilities to control a joystick, using 4 demo versions. It suggests the movement of a joystick, buttons pressed, recalibrations and controlling of two joystick synchronically.
{ JOYDEMO.PAS } { Tento program nazorne ukaze vsetky moznosti ako ovladat joystick. } { V 4 demach ukaze pohyb, stlacenie buttonov, rekalibraciu, ale aj } { ovladanie dvoch joystickov naraz. } { } { Datum:03.08.1997 } uses dos,crt,joystick; const header='Ukazkovy priklad pre JOYSTICK'; footer=' Stlac button na joystiku pre ukoncenie dema.'; DemoChar=#22; type CursorType=(none,normal,fat); var InitX,InitY : word; NumberOfSticks : byte; Reg : Registers; CursorStartLine, CursorEndLine : byte; { Zisti poziciu kurzora } procedure GetCursorData; begin Reg.ah:=$0f; intr($10,Reg); Reg.ah:=$03; intr($10,Reg);;; end; { Zobrazi poziciu kurzora } procedure SetCursor ( c:CursorType ); begin case c of none:$20; normal:; fat:; end;; Reg.ah:=1; intr($10,Reg); end; { Vykresli okno v ktorom sa pohybuje kurzor } procedure DrawBox( x1,y1,x2,y2 : integer ); var i:integer; begin gotoxy(x1,y1); write(#218); for i:=x1+1 to x2-1 do write(#196); write(#191); for i:=y1+1 to y2-1 do begin gotoxy(x1,i);write(#179); gotoxy(x2,i);write(#179); end; gotoxy(x1,y2);write(#192); for i:=x1+1 to x2-1 do write(#196); write(#217); end; { Demo1 } procedure Demo1; var ch:char; begin clrscr; writeln(header,'1'); gotoxy(1,7); writeln('Toto je test funkcnosti Joystiku spolu zo jeho zobrazenim.'); writeln('Preto predpokladam ze mas pripojeny aspon jeden joystick.'); writeln; if JoystickPressent then writeln('Mas jeden joystick.') else writeln('Nemas pripojeny joystick.'); writeln; writeln; gotoxy(14,23); write('Kolko mas nainstalovanych joystikov ?'); repeat ch:=readkey; until (ch in ['0'..'2']); NumberOfSticks:=ord(ch)-48; end; { Demo2 } procedure Demo2; const linela='JOYSTICK A'; linelb='JOYSTICK B'; line2a='X-Axis Y-Axis Button 1 Button 2'; line2b=' X-Axis Y-Axis Button 1 Button 2'; type StatusStringType=string[3]; var JoyAX,JoyAY,JoyBX,JoyBY : word; line : string; ch : char; { Lokalna funkcia pre proceduru Demo2 } function ButtonStatusSt ( b:boolean ):StatusStringType; begin if b then ButtonStatusSt:='IN' else ButtonStatusSt:='OUT'; end; begin clrscr; SetCursor(none); writeln(header,'2'); writeln; writeln('(Vstup Joysticku zobrazeny ako raw data)'); if (NumberOfSticks=2) then line:=linela+linelb else line:=linela; gotoxy(40-(length(line) div 2),7); writeln(line); if (NumberOfSticks=2) then line:=line2a+line2b else line:=line2a; gotoxy(40-(length(line) div 2),8); write(line); gotoxy(24,23); write('Prechod na dalsie demo stlac button.'); repeat ReadJoyA(JoyAX,JoyAY); if (NumberOfSticks=2) then gotoxy(1,9) else gotoxy(22,9); write(JoyAX:5,JoyAY:8,ButtonStatusSt(ButtonA1):9,ButtonStatusSt(ButtonA2):10); if (NumberOfSticks=2) then begin ReadJoyB(JoyBX,JoyBY); write(JoyBX:16,JoyBY:8,ButtonStatusSt(ButtonB1):9,ButtonStatusSt(ButtonB2):10); end; until keypressed; while keypressed do ch:=readkey; end; { of demo2 } { Demo3 } procedure Demo3; var JoyX,JoyY:word; ScreenX,ScreenY:byte; begin clrscr; SetCursor(none); writeln(header,'3'); writeln; writeln('(Joystick ako indikator smeru)'); gotoxy(1,25); write(footer); DrawBox(1,5,80,24); ScreenX:=40; ScreenY:=14; repeat gotoxy(ScreenX,ScreenY); write(' '); ReadJoyA(JoyX,JoyY); if JoyX>InitX+(InitX div 5) then inc(ScreenX) else if JoyX<InitX-(InitX div 5) then dec(ScreenX); if JoyY>InitY+(InitY div 5) then inc(ScreenY) else if JoyY<InitY-(InitY div 5) then dec(ScreenY); if ScreenX>79 then ScreenX:=79; if ScreenX<2 then ScreenX:=2; if ScreenY>23 then ScreenY:=23; if ScreenY<6 then ScreenY:=6; gotoxy(ScreenX,Screeny); write(DemoChar); delay(30); until (ButtonA1 or ButtonA2); repeat until not(ButtonA1 or ButtonA2); end; { Demo4 } procedure Demo4; var LowX, LowY, HighX, HighY, JoyX, JoyY : word; ScreenX,ScreenY,OldScreenX,OldScreenY : byte; begin clrscr; writeln(header,'4'); writeln; writeln('(Joystick ako indikator pozicie)'); gotoxy(1,7); writeln('Pre spustenie tohoto dema musis odistit joystick.'); gotoxy(1,9); repeat writeln('Posun joystick hore-vlavo a stlac jeden z butonov.'); repeat until (ButtonA1 or ButtonA2); ReadJoyA(LowX,LowY); repeat until not(ButtonA1 or ButtonA2); writeln('Posun joystick dole-vpravo a stlac jeden z butonov.'); repeat until (ButtonA1 or ButtonA2); ReadJoyA(HighX,HighY); repeat until not(ButtonA1 or ButtonA2); if (LowX >= HighX) or (LowY >= HighY) then begin writeln; writeln('Kalibracia neprebehla spravne. Skus znova rekalibraciu.'); writeln; end; until ( (LowX < HighX) and (LowY < HighY) ); clrscr; SetCursor(none); DrawBox(1,1,80,24); gotoxy(1,25); write(footer); OldScreenX:=100; OldScreenY:=100; repeat ReadJoyA(JoyX,JoyY); if JoyX<LowX then JoyX:=LowX; if JoyX>HighX then JoyX:=HighX; if JoyY<LowY then JoyY:=LowY; if JoyY<HighY then JoyY:=HighY; ScreenX:=(((JoyX-LowX+1)*77) div (HighX-LowX))+2; ScreenY:=(((JoyY-LowY+1)*21) div (HighY-LowY))+2; if (OldScreenX <> ScreenX) or (OldScreenY <> ScreenY) then begin gotoxy(OldScreenX,OldScreenY);write(' '); gotoxy(ScreenX,ScreenY);write(DemoChar); OldScreenX:=ScreenX;OldScreenY:=ScreenY; end; gotoxy(1,1); until (ButtonA1 or ButtonA2); end; BEGIN ReadJoyA(InitX,InitY); GetCursorData; Demo1; if (NumberOfSticks=0) then halt; Demo2; Demo3; Demo4; clrscr; SetCursor(normal); END.