Pexeso game in pascal
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Category: Source in Pascal
Program: Pexeso.pas
File exe: Pexeso.exe
need: Menu.mnu, Menu.tpu, Mys2.pas, Egavga.bgi
Program: Pexeso.pas
File exe: Pexeso.exe
need: Menu.mnu, Menu.tpu, Mys2.pas, Egavga.bgi
An excellent program which enables to play the game similar to Pexeso (internationally known game as "Memory"), a card game where you have to find two coresponding cards usually of the same picture, in its graphic version. It contains the routines for operating the mouse, selecting from the menu, shuffling of the cards, checking the accuracy and other operations neccessary for the undisturbed running of the game. I'm not the author of it but some changes were done by me.
{ PEXESO.PAS Copyright (c) TrSek alias Zdeno Sekerak } { Program urceny pre hru pexesa na pocitaci. } { } { Datum:12.05.2001 } program pexeso; uses crt,dos,graph,mys2,menu; const n=6; { pocet kariet v riadku, stplci } sirka=90; { sirka karty } vyska=60; { vyska karty } medzera=10; { medzera medzi kartami } { zoznam mien na kartach } d_meno:array[1..18] of string= ('I.Fedorov', 'M.Zieman', 'P.Clooney', 'M.Slovak', 'I.Tasler', 'J.Bougard', 'J.Kuzmisin', 'K.Christian', 'P.Osczyk', 'L.Hawk', 'H.Swenson', 'D.Carlsberg', 'O.Mivrov', 'G.Guiness', 'J.Okynava', 'I.Hatterson', 'Z.Freud', 'J.Carlos'); type zaznam=record meno:string; { meno na karte } najdene:boolean; { ci je karta otacena ako najdena } poradie:integer; { v akom poradi bola najdena } time:longint; { za aky cas v sekundach bola najdena } end; var a:array[1..n,1..n] of zaznam; x,y,i,j,gd,gm:integer; pocet_kliknuti:0..2; uz_x,uz_y:integer; stlacena:boolean; poradie:integer; zac_hodin:longint; x0,y0:integer; { suradnice zlava, zhora aby bolo pexeso v strede } ch:char; { stlacenie klavesy } { b:array[1..n] of 0..n; c:array[1..n,1..n] of 0..n; cislo:integer; dobre:boolean;} { urobi z cisla string } function s1(i:longint):string; var s:string; begin str(i,s); if i<=9 then s:='0'+s; s1:=s; end; { nakresli neodkrytu kartu } procedure nakresli_neodkryte(xp,yp:integer); var x,y:integer; begin x:=(xp-1)*(sirka+medzera)+x0; y:=(yp-1)*(vyska+medzera)+y0; setfillstyle(1,black); setcolor(black); Bar(x, y, x+sirka, y+vyska); setcolor(white); moveto(x,y); lineto(x,y+vyska); lineto(x+sirka,y+vyska); lineto(x+sirka,y); lineto(x,y); setfillstyle(3,1); floodfill(x+1,y+1,white); end; { nakresli odkrytu kartu } procedure nakresli_odkryte(xp,yp:integer); var x,y:integer; xt,yt:integer; begin x:=(xp-1)*(sirka+medzera)+x0; y:=(yp-1)*(vyska+medzera)+y0; setcolor(white); moveto(x,y); lineto(x,y+vyska); lineto(x+sirka,y+vyska); lineto(x+sirka,y); lineto(x,y); setfillstyle(1,red); floodfill(x+1,y+1,white); settextstyle(0,0,0); { vypis text } xt:=round((sirka-TextWidth(a[xp,yp].meno))/2); yt:=round((vyska-TextHeight(a[xp,yp].meno))/2); outtextxy(x+xt, y+yt, a[xp,yp].meno); end; { vykresli pexeso } procedure vykresli; begin cancel_mys; setcolor(yellow); setbkcolor(black); cleardevice; { zisti nulove body } x0:=round((GetMaxX-(n*(sirka+medzera)))/2); y0:=round((GetMaxY-(n*(vyska+medzera)))/2); for i:=1 to n do for j:=1 to n do begin if a[i,j].najdene=false then nakresli_neodkryte(i,j) else nakresli_odkryte(i,j); end; outtextxy(x0,getmaxy-TextHeight('A')-5,'ESC - Koniec, V - Vysledkova listina'); show_mys; end; { pip ak uhadne 1, ak nie 2 } procedure pip(ako:integer); begin if ako=1 then sound(800); if ako=2 then sound(4000); delay(200); nosound; end; { zisti aktualny cas v sekundach } function celkom_sekund:longint; var h,m,s,ss:word; celkom:longint; begin gettime(h,m,s,ss); celkom:=h; celkom_sekund:=(celkom*3600)+(m*60)+s; end; { zisti ci nasiel dve rovnake karty } procedure zisti; var x,y,x1,y1:integer; begin where_is_mys(x1,y1); { kde je kurzor mysi } x:=trunc((x1-x0)/(sirka+medzera))+1; y:=trunc((y1-y0)/(vyska+medzera))+1; { je totalne mimo !!! } if x<1 then x:=1; if y<1 then x:=1; if x>n then x:=n; if y>n then x:=n; { klikol inam ??? } if ((x<>uz_x) or (y<>uz_y)) and (a[x,y].najdene=false) then begin cancel_mys; nakresli_odkryte(x,y); show_mys; { klikol na druhu kartu } if (uz_x<>0) and (uz_y<>0) then begin { nasiel zhodne ??? } if a[uz_x,uz_y].meno = a[x,y].meno then begin a[uz_x,uz_y].najdene:=true; a[x,y].najdene:=true; { zapis najdenie a ostatne } poradie:=poradie+1; a[x,y].poradie:=poradie; a[x,y].time:=celkom_sekund-zac_hodin; a[uz_x,uz_y].poradie:=poradie; a[uz_x,uz_y].time:=a[x,y].time; pip(1); end else { neuhadol } begin pip(2); delay(700); cancel_mys; nakresli_neodkryte(x,y); nakresli_neodkryte(uz_x,uz_y); show_mys; end; { zhuluj pre dalsiu kartu } uz_x:=0; uz_y:=0; end else if a[x,y].najdene=false then begin uz_x:=x; uz_y:=y; end; end; end; { otestuje ci je mozne kartu na toto miesto } procedure otestuj(var x,y:integer); begin while( a[x,y].meno<>'' ) do begin x:=x+1; if x>n then begin x:=1; y:=y+1; end; if y>n then begin x:=1; y:=1; end; end; end; { zamiesa karty } procedure zamiesaj; var x,y:integer; begin { nastav na prazdne } for i:=1 to n do for j:=1 to n do a[i,j].meno:=''; randomize; for i:=1 to 18 do begin { prva karta } x:=random(5)+1; y:=random(5)+1; otestuj(x,y); a[x,y].meno:=d_meno[i]; { druha karta } x:=random(5)+1; y:=random(5)+1; otestuj(x,y); a[x,y].meno:=d_meno[i]; end; end; { nastavi default hodnoty } procedure nastav_zaciatok; begin poradie:=0; pocet_kliknuti:=0; uz_x:=0; uz_y:=0; ch:=#0; { nastav ze su neodkryte } for i:=1 to n do for j:=1 to n do a[i,j].najdene:=false; { kolko je hodin } zac_hodin:=celkom_sekund; end; { vypisuje meno do vysledkovej listiny } procedure vypis_meno(x,y:integer); var h,m,s:longint; por:integer; begin por:=a[x,y].poradie; h:=trunc(a[x,y].time/3600); m:=trunc((a[x,y].time-(h*3600))/60); s:=a[x,y].time-(h*3600)-(m*60); outtextxy( 50, por*(TextHeight('A')+5)+60, s1(por)+'. '+a[x,y].meno); outtextxy(200, por*(TextHeight('A')+5)+60, s1(h)+':'+s1(m)+':'+s1(s)); end; { zobrazi vysledky a pocka na stlacenie klavesy } procedure vysledky; var x,y,i:integer; begin cancel_mys; setcolor(yellow); setbkcolor(black); cleardevice; outtextxy(50,50,'Vyslekova listina'); for i:=1 to poradie do begin for x:=1 to n do for y:=1 to n do if a[x,y].poradie=i then begin vypis_meno(x,y); x:=n;y:=n; end; end; show_mys; repeat until keypressed; end; { zisti ci existuje subor } procedure test(subor:string); var f:text; begin assign(f, subor); {$I-} Reset(f); {$I-} if( IOResult<>0 )then begin writeln('Subor ',subor,' neexistuje. Nemozem pokracovat.'); readln; end; Close(f); end; { Hlavne begin } BEGIN test('menu.mnu'); case zobraz_menu('menu.mnu',1,1) of 1:begin nastav_zaciatok; zamiesaj; detectgraph(gd,gm); initgraph(gd,gm,''); vykresli; { reset_mys;} show_mys; stlacena:=false; repeat reset_stisku; stlacena:=left; if stlacena then zisti; if keypressed then begin ch:=readkey; if (ch='v') or (ch='V') then begin vysledky; vykresli; end; end; until ((ch=#27) or (ch=#13)); CloseGraph; end; { 1:begin } end; { case } END.