Program fill buffer of keyboard in pascal
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Category: Source in Pascal
Program: Simf2.pas
File exe: Simf2.exe
Program: Simf2.pas
File exe: Simf2.exe
As if it pressed F2 key. Nothing extraordinary. However, the interesting point about it is that it does it in the way which involves storing the information in the keyboard buffer. It also includes the functions which display the buffer condition. By the way, it can still be used as the buffer actually fills BIOS and not the operating system. I used routines as an automatic Log on user, which carried out all the necessary operations for me. However it couldn't take more than 32 keystrokes as this corresponds to the size of the buffer.
{ SIMF2.PAS Copyright (c) TrSek alias Zdeno Sekerak } { Simuluje stlacenie klavesy F2 tak ze ju zapise do buffera } { klavesnice. Chytre a pomoze. Moze sa tak odsimulovat viacero } { stlaceni klavesnice. } { } { Datum:15.12.1995 } program simulF2; uses crt,dos; var REG:registers; i,p:integer; memy:array[0..$20] of byte; procedure vypis; begin p:=p+1; writeln('Poradie [',p,']'); writeln('mem 41A-41D= [',mem[0:$41a],':',mem[0:$41b],'] - [',mem[0:$41c],':',mem[0:$41d],']'); writeln('mem 480-483= [',mem[0:$480],':',mem[0:$481],'] - [',mem[0:$482],':',mem[0:$483],']'); for i:=0 to $20 do begin if memy[i]<>mem[0:$41E+i] then textbackground(blue) else textbackground(black); if (i+$20>=mem[0:$41a]) and (i+$20<=1+mem[0:$41c]) then textcolor(Yellow) else textcolor(white); write(mem[0:$41E+i]:3,','); end; textbackground(black); textcolor(white); writeln; writeln; end; procedure uchovaj; begin for i:=0 to $20 do memy[i]:=mem[0:$41E+i]; end; procedure cle; begin for i:=0 to $20 do mem[0:$41E+i]:=255; end; begin clrscr;p:=0; { tato cast vypisuje obsah buffera klavesnice, } { ak chcete odchytit neake klavesy odkomentujte nasledujucu cast } { cle; uchovaj; repeat vypis; uchovaj; delay(100); reg.ah:=$10;; intr($16,reg); until (1=2); exit; repeat$100; intr($16,reg); write (reg.ah,' '); writeln(,' '); writeln; until(1=2); uchovaj; vypis;} REG.AX:=0; REG.AH:=5; REG.CL:=0; REG.CH:=0; intr($16,REG); REG.AX:=0; REG.AH:=5; REG.CL:=0; REG.CH:=60; intr($16,REG); mem[0:$400+mem[0:$41a]+2]:=224; end.