Simply small font - changes the font of Epson printers
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Category: Source in Pascal
Program: Smf.pas
File exe: Smf.exe
File ubuntu: Smf
Program: Smf.pas
File exe: Smf.exe
File ubuntu: Smf
Simply small font - changes the font of Epson printers.
{ SMF.PAS Copyright (c) TrSek alias Zdeno Sekerak } { Simply small font - zmeni font na tlaciarnach Epson } { LPT[x] - port na ktory mam vyslat znaky LPT1, LPT2, LPT3 } { 1..4 - ako zmensit } { 1 - na vysku 2 - na sirku } { 3 - aj na vysku aj na sirku 4 - normal } { } { Datum:22.04.1996 } program ecs; uses crt,dos; var f:text; procedure write_l(text:string); var ch:char; begin repeat ch:='p'; {$I-} write(f,text); {$I+} if IOResult<>0 then begin writeln; writeln('Chyba tlaciarne, alebo tlaciaren nie je pripravena.'); textcolor(YELLOW); writeln('Opakovat Nechat_tak'); textcolor(WHITE); ch:=readkey; end; until (not(UpCase(ch) in ['O',#13])); end; begin if paramcount<1 then begin writeln('Simply small font na tlaciaren EPSON Software by TRSEK'); writeln('-------------------------------------------------------------------'); writeln('SMF LPT[x] [1..4]'); writeln; writeln(' LPT[x] - port na ktory mam vyslat znaky LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, COM1 atd'); writeln(' 1..4 - ako zmensit 1 - na vysku 2 - na sirku '); writeln(' 3 - aj na vysku aj na sirku 4 - normal '); end else begin assign(f,paramstr(1)); rewrite(f); if (paramstr(2)='1') or (paramstr(2)='3') then write_l(chr(27)+chr(83)+chr(1)); { na vysku } if (paramstr(2)='2') or (paramstr(2)='3') then write_l(chr(27)+chr(33)+chr(4)); { na sirku } if (paramstr(2)='4') then write_l(chr(27)+chr(83)+chr(1)+chr(27)+chr(33)+chr(4)); { default } close(f); end; end.