Program for make sound (beeper) in your program.
Delphi & Pascal (èeská wiki)
Category: Source in Pascal
Program: Sounder.pas
File exe: Sounder.exe
need: Trsek.pas
Example: Chaos.snd, Classic.snd, Dlhy.snd, More.snd, Stupnica.snd
Program: Sounder.pas
File exe: Sounder.exe
need: Trsek.pas
Example: Chaos.snd, Classic.snd, Dlhy.snd, More.snd, Stupnica.snd
This program was created to meet the demands of music production using a special device called beeper. It is actually the editor which allows to lay the notes on the visual basis, to repeat playing of the music product and to store it finally in the file. The output is then used in your own program. It features a perfect design and mouse manipulation.
The program can hardly be reproached for any imperfections. I must not forget to mention the original author of this program - Tibor Kulcar. I made a couple of changes and checked on some of the faults which emerged from time to time.
The program can hardly be reproached for any imperfections. I must not forget to mention the original author of this program - Tibor Kulcar. I made a couple of changes and checked on some of the faults which emerged from time to time.
{ SOUNDER.PAS Copyright (c) Tibor Kulcar & TrSek alias Zdeno Sekerak } { Program sluzi na editaciu a vytvarania zvukovych efektov } { } { PODAKOVANIE: } { Aspon takto by som chcel podakovat spoluautorovi Tiborovi za to, ze } { program vobec existuje. Povodne bol jeho dielom. Ako autor som sa dovolil } { pripisat preto, ze som urobil viacej hlavne vizualnych a GUI uprav. } { } { Datum:01.05.2000 } {$M 21192,0,55360} Program Sounder; Uses crt,dos,trsek; Const Max_noty = 1600; noty:array[0..23] of word= (0,67,78,87,98,110,124,131,147,165,175,196,220,247,262,294,330, 349,392,440,494,523,587,659); textnoty:array[1..23] of string= ('d2','e2','f2','g2','a2','h2','c3','d3','e3','f3','g3','a3','h3', 'c4','d4','e4','f4','g4','a4','h4','c5','d5','e5'); wiew:array[1..8] of string= (' Help (F1) ', ' Save (F2) ', ' Load (F3) ', ' Clean (F4) ', ' Cela skladba (F5) ', ' Hra tuto stranu (F6) ', ' Rychlost hrania (F9) ', ' Exit (ESC) '); Var k,ch:char; kulti,x1,x2,a,b,i,dlz,but,list,z:integer; xm,ym:integer; { aktualne suradnice mysi } xk,yk:integer; { aktualne suradnice kurzora } xo,yo:integer; { suradnice kde stal kurzor } znako:byte; { aky bol znak kde teraz stoji kurzor } col:byte; hudba:array[1..Max_noty] of word; subory:array[1..255] of string[13]; sp:text; meno:string; finish:boolean; { koniec prace s programom } refresh:boolean; { potrebujem zobrazit aj ked sa nepohol kurzor } mouse,amenu,astrana:boolean; Procedure Init_Mys; var reg:registers; begin$0000; intr($33,reg); if ( then mouse:=false else begin { predefinuj kurzor mysi } mouse:=true;$01; intr($33,reg); end; end; Procedure Zisti_Mys(var x,y,but:integer); var reg:registers; begin if not( mouse ) then exit;$03; intr($33,reg); x:=trunc(; y:=trunc(reg.dx/8)+1; but:=reg.bx; end; Procedure Nastav_Mys(var x,y:integer); var reg:registers; begin if not( mouse ) then exit;$04;*8; reg.dx:=(y-1)*8; intr($33,reg); end; Procedure Zobraz_Mys(zobraz:boolean); var reg:registers; begin if not( mouse ) then exit; if zobraz then$01 else$02; intr($33,reg); end; Procedure Pust_Mys; var reg:registers; begin if not( mouse ) then exit; repeat$06; reg.bx:=$03; intr($33,reg); until (; end; Procedure WriteXYM(x,y:integer;v_text:string); begin if mouse and (y=ym) and (x<=xm) and ( (x+Length(v_text))>=xm) then begin Zobraz_Mys(false); WriteXY(x,y,v_text); Zobraz_Mys(true); end else WriteXY(x,y,v_text); end; procedure VypisO(t,poc_o,poc:integer); var i:integer; begin i:=t; farba(blue,white); while ((i<poc) and ((i-t)<poc_o) ) do begin Inc(i); WriteXYM(2,i-t,subory[i]+nothing(13-Length(subory[i]) ) ); end; end; Procedure poloz(x,y:integer;refresh:boolean); var yo:byte; begin { je polozena nota, zrusime ju (ale len v zapisovacom rezime) } yo:=25-hudba[x+(list*80)]; if( not(refresh) and (yo<>25))then begin farba(Black,Red); WriteXYM(x,23,' '); WriteXYM(x,24,' '); if(yo in [8,10,12,14,16]) then WriteXYM(x,yo,'Ä') else WriteXYM(x,yo,' '); hudba[x+(list*80)]:=0; end; { polozime notu } if( refresh or (yo=25) or (yo<>y)) then begin farba(Black,LightGreen); hudba[x+(list*80)]:=25-y; WriteXYM(x,y,chr(9)); WriteXYM(x,23,textnoty[25-y][1]); WriteXYM(x,24,textnoty[25-y][2]); end; end; Procedure NotOsnova; var x,y:byte; begin farba(Black,Red); for x:=1 to 80 do for y:=4 to 8 do WriteXYM(x,y*2,'Ä'); end; Procedure Obnov; var pis:string; begin window(1,1,80,25); farba(DarkGray,-1); clrscr; farba(LightBlue,LightGray); WriteXYM(1,25,nothing(79)); WriteXYM(12,25,'Software by KULTI (Tibor KULCAR) & TrSek (Zdeno Sekerak).'); NotOsnova; for i:=1 to 80 do if hudba[i+(list*80)]<>0 then poloz(i,25-hudba[i+(list*80)], true); farba(-1,green); if meno='' then meno:='NONAME.SND'; farba(LightBlue,LightGray); WriteXYM(1,1,nothing(80)); WriteXYM(2,1,'F10-MENU'); farba(-1,White); WriteXYM(35,1,meno); str(list:2,pis); farba(LightGray,Blue);WriteXYM(63,1,chr(30)+chr(30)); farba(Blue,Lightgray);WriteXYM(66,1,'Strana:'+'['+pis+'] '); farba(LightGray,Blue);WriteXYM(78,1,chr(31)+chr(31)); end; function Citaj_file:integer; var poc:integer; sub:SearchRec; begin poc:=0; FindFirst('*',Directory,sub); while (doserror=0) do begin poc:=poc+1; subory[poc]; if ('.') then dec(poc); findnext(sub); end; FindFirst(meno,Archive or AnyFile,sub); while (doserror=0) do begin poc:=poc+1; subory[poc]; for i:=1 to Length(subory[poc]) do if (subory[poc][i] in ['A'..'Z']) then subory[poc][i]:=chr( ord(subory[poc][i])+( ord('a')-ord('A') ) ); findnext(sub); end; Citaj_file:=poc; end; function Files(x,y:integer;meno:string):string; var w:char; poc,t,tr:integer; Begin KurzorZap(false); poc:=Citaj_file; farba(Blue,White); open_win(x,y,x+16,y+22,'Load',1); VypisO(0,21,poc); farba(Cyan,White); t:=1;tr:=t; { pozicia , relativna pozicia v okne } WriteXYM(2,tr,subory[t]+nothing(12-Length(subory[t]) ) ); repeat w:=readkey; if (w=#13) then if (subory[t][1] in ['.','A'..'Z']) then begin ChDir(subory[t]); poc:=Citaj_file; farba(Blue,White); clrscr; VypisO(0,21,poc); t:=1;tr:=t; w:=#10; { pozicia , relativna pozicia v okne } end; if (w=#0) then begin w:=readkey; if (w=#80) then begin farba(Blue,White); WriteXYM(2,tr,subory[t]+nothing(12-Length(subory[t]) ) ); if (t <poc) then begin Inc(t); if (tr<21) then Inc(tr) else VypisO(t-tr,21,poc); end; end; if (w=#72) then begin farba(Blue,White); WriteXYM(2,tr,subory[t]+nothing(12-Length(subory[t]) ) ); if (t >1) then begin Dec(t); if (tr>1) then Dec(tr) else VypisO(t-tr,21,poc); end; end; { if (w=#72) then begin } end; { if (w=#0) then begin } farba(Cyan,White); WriteXYM(2,tr,subory[t]+nothing(12-Length(subory[t]) ) ); until (w in [#27,#13]); if (w=#27) then Files:='' else Files:=subory[t]; end; Procedure Clean; begin farba(LightRed,White); open_win(16,10,60,17,' CLEAN ',1); WriteXYM(2,2,'Tymto si pohnojis svoj vytvor (zmazes ho)'); WriteXYM(15,3,'Si si isty ?'); if (otazka(15,5,'Ano','Nie','',Cyan,1)=1) then begin list:=0; for i:=1 to Max_noty do hudba[i]:=0; meno:='NONAME.SND'; end; end; Function Dlzka(dlz:integer):integer; var s:string; cw:byte; begin farba(Blue,White); cw:=get_window(18,10,62,14); open_win(18,10,62,14,'Rychlost',1); WriteXYM(2,2,'Zadaj hodnotu v mikrosekundach:'); str(dlz,s); farba(Black,White); s:=tread(34,2,5,s,#0,#0); val(s,dlz,i); while ( (i>0) and (s<>'') ) do begin delete(s,i,1); val(s,dlz,i); end; dlzka:=dlz; cw:=put_window(cw,18,10,62,14); end; Procedure Save; var x1,x2:integer; begin farba(Blue,White); open_win(3,9,43,15,' Save ',1); WriteXYM(7,1,'Napis mi ako by sa mal tvoj'); WriteXYM(10,2,'vytvor volat,priatelu!'); delete(meno,pos('.',meno),length(meno)-pos('.',meno)+1); farba(Black,White); meno:=tread(5,4,30,meno,#0,#0); if meno='' then begin meno:='NONAME.SND'; exit; end; while ( pos(' ',meno)<>0 ) do delete(meno,pos(' ',meno),1); if( pos('.',meno)=0 )then meno:=meno+'.snd'; for i := 1 to Length(meno) do meno[i] := UpCase(meno[i]); x1:=1; x2:=0; for i:=1 to Max_noty do begin if(( hudba[i]<>0 ) and ( x1=1 )) then x1:=i; if( hudba[i]<>0 ) then x2:=i; end; Assign(sp,meno); ReWrite(sp); for i:=x1 to x2 do WriteLn(sp,noty[hudba[i]]:3,' -',dlz:4,' ms'); Close(sp); end; Procedure Nahraj; var line:string; snum:string; y,p:word; begin assign(sp,meno); {$I-} ReSet(sp); {$I+} if IOResult=0 then begin i:=1; while( not(eof(sp)) and (i<Max_noty)) do begin Readln(sp,line); i:=i+1; y:=1; snum:=''; while((Length(line)>=y) and (line[y] in ['0'..'9',' '])) do begin if( line[y] in ['0'..'9'] )then snum:=snum+line[y]; y:=y+1; end; val(snum,p,y); for y:=0 to 23 do if( p>=noty[y] ) then hudba[i]:=y; end; { aka je dlzka hrania noty } y:=1; while((Length(line)>=y) and (line[y]<>'-')) do y:=y+1; delete(line,1,y); repeat val(line,dlz,y); if( y<>0 )then delete(line,y,1); until((y=0) or (Length(line)=0)); if( dlz=0 )then dlz:=100; close(sp); end else begin farba(LightRed,White); open_win(18,10,32,16,' Chyba ',1); WriteXYM(27,11,'Ty error! Takyto subor'); WriteXYM(32,13,'NEEXISTUJE!!!'); farba(Cyan,White); WriteXYM(36,15,' OK '); meno:=''; readln; end; for i := 1 to Length(meno) do meno[i] := UpCase(meno[i]); end; Procedure Load; var menop:string; begin menop:=meno; farba(Blue,White); open_win(27,9,80,16,' Load ',1); WriteXYM(3,2,' Napis mi meno dristu, ktory chces nahrat.'); WriteXYM(3,3,'Alebo stlac ENTER pre vypis vsetkych. (Dristov)'); farba(Black,White); meno:=tread(5,5,40,'*.SND',#0,#0); while( pos(' ',meno )<>0) do delete(meno, pos(' ',meno), 1); Assign(sp,meno); {$I-} ReSet(sp); Close(sp); {$I-} if IOResult<>0 then meno:=files(64,2,meno); if( meno='' )then meno:=menop else nahraj; list:=0; end; Procedure StranaDole; begin list:=list+1; if list>(Max_noty/80-1) then list:=round(Max_noty/80)-1; obnov; end; Procedure StranaHore; begin list:=list-1; if list<0 then list:=0; obnov; end; Procedure Hraj( x_od,x_do:integer ); var i,x1,x2:integer; pis:string; begin x1:=1; x2:=0; obnov; for i:=x_od+1 to x_do do begin if(( hudba[i]<>0 ) and ( x1=1 )) then x1:=i; if( hudba[i]<>0 ) then x2:=i; end; for i:=x1 to x2 do begin farba(Blue,Lightgray); if( round( int(i/80)) <> list )then begin list:=round( int(i/80) ); obnov; end; farba(Black,Cyan); if( hudba[i]<>0 ) then sound( noty[ hudba[i] ] ) else nosound; if ( hudba[i]<>0 ) then begin WriteXYM(i-(list*80),25-hudba[i],chr(9)); if keypressed then if (readkey=#27) then begin nosound; obnov; exit; end; end; delay(dlz); end; nosound; end; Procedure Koniec; begin farba(black,white); window(1,1,80,25); clrscr; farba(blue,lightgray); WriteXYM(1,1,' SOUND PLAYER verion 2.0 Copyright (c) 1990,1994 Software by KULTI & TRSEK. '); halt(0); end; Procedure AppExit; begin farba(LightRed,White); open_win(19,10,63,14,'Chces zdrhnut ?!!',1); if (otazka(16,2,'Ano','Nie','',Cyan,1)=1) then Koniec; end; Procedure Help; var cw:byte; kl:char; begin farba(Blue,White); cw:=get_window(10,3,70,23); open_win(10,2,70,24,'Help (ESC-koniec)',1); WriteXYM(2, 1,'SOUND PLAYER verion 2.0'); WriteXYM(2, 2,'------------------------'); WriteXYM(2, 3,' F1 - tento help'); WriteXYM(2, 4,' F2 - uloz na disk svoj vytvor'); WriteXYM(2, 5,' F3 - nahraj zo suboru'); WriteXYM(2, 6,' F4 - zmaz cely vytvor'); WriteXYM(2, 7,' F5 - hraj celu skladbu'); WriteXYM(2, 8,' F6, medzera, prave tlacitko mysi - hraj aktualnu stranu'); WriteXYM(2, 9,' F9 - zmen dlzku hrania jednej noty'); WriteXYM(2,10,' F10 - menu'); WriteXYM(2,11,' PgUp (ikona vpravo hore) - posun sa o stranu hore'); WriteXYM(2,12,' PgDn (ikona vpravo hore) - posun sa o stranu dole'); WriteXYM(2,13,' Home - posun o toninu vyssie'); WriteXYM(2,14,' End - posun skladbu o toninu nizsie'); WriteXYM(2,15,' Ctrl+left - prisun skladbu zlava k pozicii kurzora'); WriteXYM(2,16,' Ctrl+right - prisun skladbu zprava k pozicii kurzora'); WriteXYM(2,17,' ESC - Koniec programu'); WriteXYM(2,18,' Enter, prave tlacitko mysi - poloz notu'); WriteXYM(2,19,' sipky, mys - pohyb kurzora po notovej osnove'); WriteXYM(2,21,'Copyright (c) 1990,1994,2000 Software by KULTI & TRSEK. '); repeat kl:=readkey; until( kl in [#13,#32,#27]); cw:=put_window(cw,10,3,70,23); end; Procedure Menu; var x,y,i:integer; xm,ym,but:integer; e:char; begin x:=20;y:=5;i:=1; farba(Blue,White); WriteXYM(x,y ,'ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ MENU ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ»'); WriteXYM(x,y+ 1,'º '+wiew[1]+' º'); WriteXYM(x,y+ 2,'º '+wiew[2]+' º'); WriteXYM(x,y+ 3,'º '+wiew[3]+' º'); WriteXYM(x,y+ 4,'º '+wiew[4]+' º'); WriteXYM(x,y+ 5,'º '+wiew[5]+' º'); WriteXYM(x,y+ 6,'º '+wiew[6]+' º'); WriteXYM(x,y+ 7,'º '+wiew[7]+' º'); WriteXYM(x,y+ 8,'º '+wiew[8]+' º'); WriteXYM(x,y+ 9,'ÇÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶ'); WriteXYM(x,y+10,'º Polozenie noty (Enter) º'); WriteXYM(x,y+11,'º º'); WriteXYM(x,y+12,'º Ovladanie '+chr(27)+' '+chr(24)+' '+chr(25)+' '+chr(26)+' º'); WriteXYM(x,y+13,'º º'); WriteXYM(x,y+14,'ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ'); window(20,10,18,48); farba(cyan,-1); WriteXYM(24,y+i,wiew[i]); repeat e:=#10; if mouse then begin zisti_mys(xm,ym,but); if (but=2) then e:=#27; if (but=1) and (xm>x) and ((x+36)>xm) and (ym in [6..13]) then begin Zobraz_mys(false); farba(Blue,-1); WriteXYM(24,y+i,wiew[i]); { if (i=(ym-5)) then e:=#13 else i:=ym-5;} e:=#13; i:=ym-5; farba(Cyan,-1); WriteXYM(24,y+i,wiew[i]); end; pust_mys; end; if keypressed then begin e:=readkey; if (e=#0) then begin e:=readkey; if (e=#80) then begin farba(blue,-1); WriteXYM(24,y+i,wiew[i]); i:=i+1; if (i>8) then i:=1; end; if (e=#72) then begin farba(Blue,-1); WriteXYM(24,y+i,wiew[i]); i:=i-1; if i<1 then i:=8; end; end; end; farba(cyan,-1); WriteXYM(24,y+i,wiew[i]); if (e=#13) then begin case i of 1 :help; 2 :save; 3 :load; 4 :clean; 5 :hraj(0, Max_noty); 6 :hraj(list*80, (list+1)*80); 7 :dlz:=dlzka(dlz); 8 :AppExit; end; end; Zobraz_mys(true); until (e in [#13,#27]); KurzorZap(false); Zobraz_mys(false); end; Procedure MysMenu(but:byte;var amenu:boolean); begin amenu:=not(amenu); if (amenu) then farba(LightGray,Blue) else farba(Blue,LightGray); WriteXYM(1,1,' F10-MENU '); end; Procedure HoreJeden; var x_od,x_do:integer; begin x_od:=list*80; x_do:=(list+1)*80; for i:=1 to Max_noty do begin { ak uz je tak vysoko ze ju treba zrusit } if( hudba[i]=23 )then begin if( (i>=x_od) and (i<=x_do) )then poloz(i-x_od,25-hudba[i],false) else hudba[i]:=0; end; { treba vykreslit vyssie } if( hudba[i]<>0 )then begin if( (i>=x_od) and (i<=x_do) )then poloz(i-x_od,25-hudba[i]-1,false) else hudba[i]:=hudba[i]+1; end; end; end; Procedure DoleJeden; var x_od,x_do:integer; begin x_od:=list*80; x_do:=(list+1)*80; for i:=1 to Max_noty do begin { ak uz je tak nizko ze ju treba zrusit } if( hudba[i]=3 )then begin if( (i>=x_od) and (i<=x_do) )then poloz(i-x_od,25-hudba[i],false) else hudba[i]:=0; end; { treba vykreslit vyssie } if( hudba[i]<>0 )then begin if( (i>=x_od) and (i<=x_do) )then poloz(i-x_od,25-hudba[i]+1,false) else hudba[i]:=hudba[i]-1; end; end; end; Procedure VlavoJeden(xk:integer); var x_od,x_do:integer; begin x_od:=list*80; x_do:=(list+1)*80+1; for i:=x_od+xk+1 to Max_noty do begin { treba vizualne ??? } if( i<=x_do )then begin if(hudba[i-1]<>0) then poloz(i-x_od-1,25-hudba[i-1],false); if(hudba[i]<>0) then poloz(i-x_od-1,25-hudba[i],false); end; hudba[i-1]:=hudba[i]; end; { nakoniec poslednu notu } if(i<=x_do)then if(hudba[i]<>0) then poloz(i-x_od,25-hudba[i],false); end; Procedure VpravoJeden(xk:integer); var x_od,x_do:integer; begin x_od:=list*80; x_do:=(list+1)*80; for i:=x_od+xk downto 2 do begin { treba vizualne ??? } if( i>x_od )then begin if(hudba[i]<>0) then poloz(i-x_od,25-hudba[i],false); if(hudba[i-1]<>0) then poloz(i-x_od,25-hudba[i-1],false); end; hudba[i]:=hudba[i-1]; end; { nakoniec prvu notu } if(1>x_od)then if(hudba[i]<>0) then poloz(1,25-hudba[1],false); end; BEGIN meno:=''; nosound; for i:=1 to Max_noty do hudba[i]:=0; if( paramcount > 0 )then begin meno:=paramstr(1); nahraj; end; obnov; xk:=77; yk:=11; z:=10; dlz:=100; list:=0; finish:=false; refresh:=true; xo:=xk; yo:=yk; znako:=get_znak( xo, yo, col ); Init_mys; Zobraz_Mys(true); repeat if( refresh or (xk<>xo) or (yk<>yo)) then begin farba(Black,col); WriteXYM(xo,yo, char(znako) ); xo:=xk; yo:=yk; znako:=get_znak( xo, yo, col ); { nova pozicia } farba(Black,Cyan); WriteXYM(xk,yk,chr(14)); KurzorZap(false); refresh:=false; end; if mouse then begin zisti_mys(xm,ym,but); if (xm in [0..10]) and (ym=1) then begin if not(amenu) then MysMenu(but,amenu); end else if amenu then MysMenu(but,amenu); end; { Chce neaku cinnost mysou } if( but<>0 )then begin Zobraz_mys(false); if (but=1) and (xm in [63..64]) and (ym=1) then stranahore; if (but=1) and (xm in [78..79]) and (ym=1) then stranadole; if (but=2) then hraj(list*80, (list+1)*80); { medzera } if (but=3) then AppExit; { ESC } if (but=1) and amenu then menu; if (but<>0) then Pust_Mys; if (but=1) and (ym in [2..22]) then poloz(xm,ym,false) { enter } else obnov; Zobraz_mys(true); end; { Dobyva sa klavesou } if( keypressed ) then begin k:=readkey; if (k=#0) then k:=readkey; Zobraz_mys(false); if (k=#75) then xk:=xk-1; { sipka vlavo } if (k=#77) then xk:=xk+1; { sipka vpravo } if (k=#72) then yk:=yk-1; { sipka hore } if (k=#80) then yk:=yk+1; { sipka dole } { ine znaky } if (k=#27) then finish:=true; { ESC } if (k=#13) then begin { Enter } poloz(xk,yk,false); znako:=get_znak( xo, yo, col ); xk:=xk+1; end; { Znaky F1-F9, PgUp, PgDn, Home, End, Ctrl+sipky } if (k=#59) then help; { F1 } if (k=#60) then save; { F2 } if (k=#61) then load; { F3 } if (k=#62) then clean; { F4 } if (k=#63) then hraj(0, Max_noty); { F5 } if (k in [#64,#32]) then hraj(list*80, (list+1)*80); { F6 } if (k=#67) then dlz:=dlzka(dlz); { F9 } if (k=#68) then menu; { F10 } if (k=#73) then stranahore; { PgUp } if (k=#81) then stranadole; { PgDn } if (k=#55) then HoreJeden; { Home } if (k=#49) then DoleJeden; { End } if (k=#115) then VlavoJeden(xk); { Ctrl+left } if (k=#116) then VpravoJeden(xk); { Ctrl+right } if( k in [#59,#60,#61,#62,#63,#64,#32,#67,#68] )then Obnov; refresh:=true; Zobraz_mys(true); { kontroly } if (yk<2) then yk:=2; if (yk>22) then yk:=22; if (xk<1) then begin xk:=80; stranahore; znako:=get_znak( xo, yo, col ); end; if (xk>80) then begin xk:=1; stranadole; znako:=get_znak( xo, yo, col ); end; end; { if( keypressed ) then begin } if( finish )then begin AppExit; finish:=false; obnov; end; until (false); END.