Animate star - falling, rise up the sky
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Category: Homework in Pascal
Author: Juraj Pupák
Program: Animacia.pas
File exe: Animacia.exe
File ubuntu: Animacia
Author: Juraj Pupák
Program: Animacia.pas
File exe: Animacia.exe
File ubuntu: Animacia
Animate star - falling, rise up the sky.
{ ANIMACIA.PAS } { Animacia padajucej a stupajucej hviezdicky. } { } { Author: Juraj Pupak } { Date : 27.10.2006 } program animacia; uses crt; var i,k,a : integer; begin clrscr; k := 50; For i := 1 to 100 do begin a := i; a := a mod 15 + 1; IF i > 50 THEN begin k := k - 1; gotoxy(50,k); textcolor(a); write('*'); delay(250); gotoxy(50,k); textcolor(0); write('*'); end else begin gotoxy(50,i); textcolor(a); write('*'); delay(250); gotoxy(50,i); textcolor(0); write('*'); end; end; readln; end.