Finds out how many negative and positive numbers are there in the sequence numbers
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Category: Homework in Pascal
Program: Postupka.pas
File exe: Postupka.exe
Program: Postupka.pas
File exe: Postupka.exe
Finds out how many negative and positive numbers are there in the sequence numbers.
{ POSTUPKA.PAS Copyright (c) TrSek alias Zdeno Sekerak } { Zisti kolko je v postupnosti cisel kladnych a kolko zapornych } { Vstup : postupnost cisel } { Vystup: pocet kladnych, zapornych cisel a cisel rovnych nule } { } { Datum:10.04.2000 } program postupnost; const max=100; var pole:array[1..max] of real; n,poc_k,poc_z,poc_n,i: integer; begin Write('Zadaj pocet cisel N:'); ReadLn(n); poc_k:=0; poc_z:=0; poc_n:=0; for i:=1 to n do begin Write('Zadaj Pole[',i,']='); ReadLn(pole[i]); if( pole[i]>0 ) then poc_k:=poc_k+1; if( pole[i]<0 ) then poc_z:=poc_z+1; if( pole[i]=0 ) then poc_n:=poc_n+1; end; WriteLn('Z celkoveho poctu ',n,' je :'); WriteLn(' kladnych cisel ',poc_k); WriteLn(' zapornych cisel ',poc_z); WriteLn(' cisel rovnych nule ',poc_n); ReadLn; end.