Displays the results of the on-going calculations of the numbers
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Category: Homework in Pascal
Program: Sedem.pas
File exe: Sedem.exe
Program: Sedem.pas
File exe: Sedem.exe
Displays the results of the on-going calculations of the numbers.
{ SEDEM.PAS Copyright (c) TrSek alias Zdeno Sekerak } { Zobrazuje medzivypocty cisel } { Vstup : postupnost cisel } { Vystup: zobrazenie 5*cislo, 7*cislo, 1/(2*cislo*cislo+1) } { } { Datum:10.04.2000 http://www.trsek.com } program sedem; var x,y1,y2,y3: real; i:integer; begin WriteLn('Zadavaj jednotlive cisla [7-koniec]'); WriteLn('y1=5x, y2=7x, y3=1/(2xx=1)'); i:=0; Repeat i:=i+1; Write('Zadaj cislo[',i,']='); ReadLn(x); y1:=5*x; y2:=7*x; y3:=1/(2*x*x+1); WriteLn('y1=',y1:10:2,' y2=',y2:10:2,'y3=',y3:10:2); until( x=7 ); ReadLn; end.