This program determine must heavy weight of boys
Delphi & Pascal (česká wiki)
Category: Homework in Pascal
Author: Juraj Pupák
Program: Vazit.pas
File exe: Vazit.exe
Author: Juraj Pupák
Program: Vazit.pas
File exe: Vazit.exe
This program determine must heavy weight of boys.
{ VAZIT.PAS } { Tento program sluzi na urcenie najtazsieho chlapca. } { } { Author: Juraj Pupak } { Date : 27.10.2006 } program Vaha; uses crt; var a,b,c,max_num : integer; begin clrscr; writeln('Tento program sluzi na urcenie najtazsieho chlapca'); writeln('Zadaj vahu Joza'); readln(a); writeln('Zadaj vahu Jana'); readln(b); writeln('Zadaj vahu Misa'); readln(c); clrscr; max_num := a; IF max_num < b THEN begin max_num := b; writeln(max_num,' Najtahsi je Jano'); end else begin IF max_num < c THEN begin max_num := c; writeln(max_num,' Najtahsi je Miso'); end else begin writeln(max_num,' Najtahsi je Jozo'); end; end; readln; end.