Projects in Pascal

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sortiada.pngAuthor: unknown
Program: Sortiada.pas
File exe: Sortiada.exe

Program demonstrate sort algorithm. Contain these algorithm
- Insert-sort
- Bubble-sort
- Shaker-sort
- sheLL-sort
- Quick-sort
- Dobosiewicz-sort
- Merge-sort
- Tree-sort
- Heap-sort
- maX-sort

sounder.pngProgram: Sounder.pas
File exe: Sounder.exe
need: Trsek.pas
Example: Chaos.sndClassic.sndDlhy.sndMore.sndStupnica.snd

This program was created to meet the demands of music production using a special device called beeper. It is actually the editor which allows to lay the notes on the visual basis, to repeat playing of the music product and to store it finally in the file. The output is then used in your own program. It features a perfect design and mouse manipulation.

The program can hardly be reproached for any imperfections. I must not forget to mention the original author of this program - Tibor Kulcar. I made a couple of changes and checked on some of the faults which emerged from time to time.

Program: Student.c
File exe: Student.exe
need: Student.dat

Students database. Write/read to file. Sorted by name, class. Programs write at language C.

telefon.pngProgram: Telefon.pas
File exe: Telefon.exe
File ubuntu: Telefon

It's a homework. The homework itself isn't so complicated as it looks like. Static allocation of the memory is what irritates me most. Nobody does it today, otherwise one could get into big troubles. I like the classification of the names using a typical "bubble" method. So if you need to have something sorted out and reliability and exactness, instead of rapidity, are the qualities you are looking for, this might be the program you need. Just have a look. I was engaged by the matter of classification for a longer time and some suggestions can be found in C source codes.

Program: Testuj.pas
File exe: Testuj.exe
File ubuntu: Testuj
need: Testuj.cfg
flow: Testuj.txt
Example: Ziaci.txt1.txt2.txt3.txt

Program určený na testovanie žiakov z rôznych predmetov. Pre svoju činnosť potrebuje súbor testuj.cfg v ktorom je definovaná stupnica a jednotlivé otázky testu. Formát súboru testuj.cfg nájdete v súbore testuj.txt. Program vytvára súbory s koncovkou txt.

Režim žiak
Po spustení programu sa klávesou 1 vyberie režim žiak. Program požiada o meno žiaka. Po zadaní vypíše prvú otázku s možnosťami odpovedí a-d. Žiak si má možnosť vybrať klávesom a-d. Potom bude pokračovať na ďalšou otázkou. Počas skúsšnia žiak vidí na koľko otázok už odpovedal. Koľko môže získať maximálne bodov a svoje meno. Z pochopiteľných dôvodov program nezobrazuje aktuálny počet bodov.

Po skončení skúšania mu program oznámy koľko získal bodov a akú známku dostal. Program žiakove odpovede zaznamená do súboru cislo.TXT. Pričom číslo je poradové číslo žiaka. Mená skúšaných žiakov sú v súbore ZIACI.TXT.

Režim učiteľ
Po spustení programu sa klávesou 1 vyberie režim učiteľ. Zobrazí sa zoznam už vyskúšaných žiakov. Klávesami 0 až 9 si vyberie číslo žiaka. Tieto čísla sú koncové čísla zobrazených žiakov. Po výbere sa zobrazí prvá otázka. Správna odpoveď je podfarbená zelenou farbou. Ak žiak odpovedal zle, jeho odpoveď je červená.

Počas tohoto prehľadu sa zobrazuje poradové číslo otázky, meno, známka žiaka a to koľko bodov mu priniesla aktuálna otázka vrámci jním ziskaných bodov.

Author: Maros Zatko

Program na tipovanie zapasov. desc:A program for betting sport matches.

tlakspoj.pngProgram: Tlakspoj.pas
File exe: Tlakspoj.exe
File ubuntu: Tlakspoj
need: Tabulky.pas

Same as for Skrutka.pas. It is able to calculate the bias joints. To give a hint of what I am talking about, here is an example. When you heat up a cog-wheel and put it on a shaft it cools down after a while and creates the demountable joint. How much weight this joint is able to bear can be calculated using this program.

Program: Trsek.pas
File exe: Pouzi.exe
need: Pouzi.pas

It took a long time to complete this library. I believe it includes many useful things like the memorising and restoring of the window basis, the window display, the question with 3 alternatives, the buffer clearing and the others. POUZI.PAS program guides you through all the functions. Don't hesitate to use it when you account the problems. Don't invent the stuff that has already been invented. As far as I'm concerned I'll be only pleased that you used it. Just remember you can't present the copied parts of the source codes under your authorship.

For example
- forgetting the bacground of a screen and back
- displaying the window with many different kinds of frames
- a question with 3 possibilities to answer
- deleting a buffer of the keyboard
and other 25 functions.

You can use if you wish. Do not lose your precious time on what has already been done. And for my part I will only be happy for it. Just don't forget you can't present the parts of source files you copied as your work. Pouzi.pas program will guide you through all the functions.

turing.pngProgram: Turing.pas
File exe: Turing.exe
need: Trsek.pas
Example: Move.turPrepis.tur

This program was made up to serve as a learning device when studying the TURING machine at Koçice University (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology). Anyone who had at least one exam with Doc. Hudák knows what I'm talking about. It helps the visual understanding of the TURING machine functionality or can become handy when suggesting your own program for TURING machine. I found its operating leisurely and easy to follow. Other advantages include functions like the stepping of a suggested program, saving it on the disc or loading the disc. Unfortunately, I came short of the model programs so what I collected and made up in a very short time can be viewed in the MOVE.TUR file. This program was very favourite with its contemporary users. I hope it can still help someone as TURING machines are the basis of the assembler. Believe me, I'm not joking.

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