Homework in Pascal

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You find some needs, send me homework during mail. If it's easy try generator of homework.

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Author: Kiko (ICQ 321-824-013)
Program: Slov_veta.pas
File exe: Slov_veta.exe

Program read sentense to string. During next time write count of letter of biggest word.

Program: Slova.pas
File exe: Slova.exe

From txt file write all words to differnet lines.

Author: Pheo
web: pascalsource.ic.cz

Program: Spojenie_suborov.pas
File exe: Spojenie_suborov.exe
need: Vstup1.txtVstup2.txt

Program join two txt file and save to thith file.

Author: Pavel Paták
web: www.webpark.cz/programar

Program: Spotreba.pas
File exe: Spotreba.exe

Po zadaní ujetých kilometrů a spotrebovaných litrů paliva vypočte spotrěbu na 100km.

Program: Ssl_zozn.pas
File exe: Ssl_zozn.exe
need: Cisla.txt

Program read numbers from file and store to memory list. Memory list are divide to even/odd numbers.

Author: Pheo
web: pascalsource.ic.cz

Program: Strany.pas
File exe: Strany.exe

Zistenie, či dané čísla môžu byť stranami trojuholníka.

Author: Pheo
web: pascalsource.ic.cz

Program: Strany3.pas
File exe: Strany3.exe

Test rovnoramenného trojuholníka.

Author: Juraj Pupák
Program: Subor_in.pas
File exe: Subor_in.exe
need: Ziaci.txt

Program read file ziaci.txt and determine initial of it. Initial write to file inicialy.txt.

Author: Juraj Pupák
Program: Subor_pa.pas
File exe: Subor_pa.exe
need: Subory.txt

Program add count of file with pas. Count of this are in text file Subory.txt.

Author: Juraj Pupák
Program: Subor_sp.pas
File exe: Subor_sp.exe
need: Firstt.txtSecondt.txt

Program join first line of files FirstT.txt a SecondT.txt result write to file ResultT.txt.

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