Homework in Pascal

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kruh.pngProgram: Kruh.pas
File exe: Kruh.exe

Calculates the circumference of a disc.
Formula for circumference of a disc is 2·π·r.
Formula for area of a disc is π·r².

- r is radius
- π is Ludolf's number 3.14159

Program for calculate π is here Pi.pas

Author: Pavel Paták
web: www.webpark.cz/programar

Program: Kvadr.pas
File exe: Kvadr.exe

Po zadání tří rozmerů kvádru vypočte jeho objem

Program: Kvadrat.pas
File exe: Kvadrat.exe

Calculates a quadratic equation. Apart from real roots x1,x2, it can calculate the imaginary ones too.

Author: Pheo
web: pascalsource.ic.cz

Program: Kviz.pas
File exe: Kviz.exe

Kvíz. Program položí 5 otázok a vyhodnotí vedomosti.

Author: Pheo
web: pascalsource.ic.cz

Program: Linearna_rovnica.pas
File exe: Linearna_rovnica.exe

Program vyrieši ľubovoľnú lineárnu rovnicu.

Author: Ján Benkovič
web: www.tbteacher.host.sk

Program: Log.pas
File exe: Log.exe

Program calculate logarithm with tree one.
- calculate logarithm with unknown RESULT
- calculate logarithm with unknown B
- calculate logarithm with unknown A

Program: Mapa.pas
File exe: Mapa.exe
flow: Mapa.gif

Calculates original distance when know gauge and distance on the map.

Author: Ján Benkovič
web: www.tbteacher.host.sk

Program: Matice.pas
File exe: Matice.exe

Program calculate sum of tree matrix. Request 3 matrix with MxN and write mutual sum.

Program: Max.pas
File exe: Max.exe

Writes out the maximum number out of the three given numbers.

Program: Max_cifra.pas
File exe: Max_cifra.exe

Určí maximálnu cifru zo zadaného čísla.

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